

Popol Vuh -  narrative about the origins, traditions and history of the Quiché (K'iche') Maya nation told by an anonymous Guatemalan Indian who produced the document between 1554 and l558. 

   << Francisco Ximenez de Cisneros
Francísco Ximénez (November 28, 1666 – c.1729) was a Dominican priest who is known for his conservation of an indigenous Maya narrative known today as Popol Vuh.  Father Francisco Ximénez learned Cakchiquel.  In Chichicastenango around l7OO, Francisco Ximenez copied the manuscript, adding a Spanish translation.

<< The oldest surviving written account of Popol Vuh (ms c.1701 by Francisco Ximénez, O.P.)









POPOL VUH Sacred Book of the Quiché Maya People Translation and Commentary by Allen J. Christenson