
Western Hemisphere Cities?

Western Hemisphere Ancient Cities
Dating Exactly to the Book of Mormon Time Period

 There were "many cities" covering the whole face of the land, which were built by the Book of Mormon people.  
These Cities had within them many "elegant and spacious buildings".
“...Riplakish did…tax them...and with the taxes he did build many spacious buildings.”   (Ether 10:5) 
“...Morianton built up many cities, and the people became exceedingly rich...both in buildings…”   (Ether 10:12) 
“...they did multiply and spread… insomuch that they began to cover the face of the whole earth, from the sea south to the sea north, from the sea west to the sea east.”  (Helaman 3:8)     23 BC 
“...The whole face of the land had become covered with buildings, and the people were as numerous almost, as it were the sand of the sea.”  (Mormon 1:6-7)   322 AD 
“And they pitched their tents...and began to build buildings....” (Mosiah 23:5) 145-121 BC [Note: They used "tents" as a temporary dwelling. They soon "began to build buildings."]
“...king Noah built many elegant and spacious buildings..."     (Mosiah 11:8) 160-150 BC

"...the people began to be very numerous, and began to scatter abroad upon the face of the earth, yea, on the north and on the south, on the east and on the west, building large cities and villages in all quarters of the land."    (Mosiah 27:6)


When the Book of Mormon was translated and published for the first time in the spring of 1830.  There was no Archaeological information published and/or available in the United States that indicated anything about many ancient Cities that had been built in the Western Hemisphere that in reality contained “elegant and spacious buildings”.
The general reaction, in the 1830's, to the whole idea of the above scriptures, which indicated that “the whole face of the land had become covered with… many elegant and spacious buildings”
was "generally disbelieved" and considered to be just not true and “pronounced a humbug."   ["Humbug", means just a fiction story that was made up and not true history.]

1844 Newspaper Article.   (Times and Seasons, John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff, Editors, January 1, 1844,Vol. 5 no 1, p. 390)
In the 1830's, they did not know nor did they have any way of finding out the dates of the occupation of these ancient cities.

The people were as numerous almost as the sand of the sea.  Teotihuacán Mexico.  

Spacious Buildings in the ancient city of  El Tajin.


“In Mexico…as many as 100,000 pyramids" [buildings] "still waiting to be uncovered.”  (National Geographic) (Ether 10:5)

In this Veracruz, Mexico picture, the yellow circled places are ancient pyramids and buildings that have been restored. 
The arrows point to square mounds of ancient ruins that have not been excavated and/or restored.

Map of Mesoamerica and Ancient Cities  (Farmsi Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, INC.)  


Map of Mesoamerica and Ancient Cities  (Farmsi Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, INC.)   


  "Sprawling Maya network Discovered under Guatemala Jungles"

"Researchers have found more than 60,000 hidden Maya ruins in Guatemala in a major archaeological breakthrough.

   Laser technology was used to survey digitally beneath the forest canopy, revealing houses, palaces, elevated highways, and defensive fortifications.

The landscape, near already-known Maya cities, is thought to have been home to millions more people than other research had previously suggested.

The researchers mapped over 810 square miles (2,100 sq. km) in northern Petén, [Guatemala]."  "Results from the research using Lidar technology, which is short for "light detection and ranging", suggest that Central America supported an advanced civilization more akin to sophisticated cultures like ancient Greece or China.)

(Sprawling Maya network discovered under Guatemala jungles, BBC News, Feb. 2, 2018)

"In what's being hailed as a "major breakthrough" in Maya archaeology, researchers have identified the ruins of more than 60,000 homes, palaces, elevated highways...hidden for centuries under the jungles of north Guatemala."
(Laser Scans Reveal Maya "Megalopolis" Below Guatemala Jungle, National Geographic, Feb. 1, 2018)


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