Pre-Columbus Gods Correlate to Jesus Christ 
His Visit to the Americas

Quetzalcoatl, Itzamná, Kukulcan, Viracocha and many other names of gods in the pre-Columbus, western hemisphere, correlate and refer to Jesus Christ.

When the early explores came to the western hemisphere, in the 1500's AD, they found out that the Aztec, Maya, and Inca civilizations of the New World had beliefs in a supreme god who had visited their ancestors.  The Aztec, Maya, and Inca's  knew about this god because of the bits and pieces of information that was passed along to them by their earlier ancestors.  This information created their belief and became the god that they call Quetzalcoatl, Itzamná, Kukulcan, Viracocha, the descending god and weeping god.  

These beliefs were essentially referring to the fallen away incomplete information and understanding or knowledge of Jesus Christ and his visit to their earlier Book of Mormon ancestors.  
They are name deviations of the same God.
Some of the information that they had about this God came from their own various records or books.
These events were earlier recorded by Prophets in the Book of Mormon, the brass plates and others records.  
Some of these beliefs about this God came back from the time when Jesus Christ visited the Americas in the year 34 AD

“Regardless of the name by which the white and bearded God was known, all of the Indian traditions were similar. This fact indicates that they came from a common source. All of the principal events of Christ's life—namely, his virgin birth, the marvelous missionary work that he did, the numerous miracles that he performed, his death, his internment for three days, his resurrection, his ascension into heaven, his final promise that he would come again—were found among the American Indians by the Catholic Fathers when they first visited various parts of the New World.”   (Elder Milton R. Hunter, General Conference, April 1961)

"Itzamná (pronounced Eetz-am-NAH), also known as God D, is one of the most important Maya gods.  
Itzamná was considered the god of creation and the inventor of writing. He was considered the creator of the world.  In Yucatan, during the Postclassic period, Itzamná was also worshiped as the god of medicine."
"He [Itzamná possessed] ...the power of healing by the laying on of hands....  For his wisdom he was spoken of as royal or noble master of knowledge" (American Hero-Myths by Daniel Brintan)

"Itzam Na was also...able to cure the sick and even bring the dead to life.  People came from all over the land to his shrine, [temple], and for that reason he was known as Kabul, 'Maker with his hands'...it seems to be equivalent of Bitol, 'Maker' title of the Quiche creator."  (The Rise and Fall of Maya Civilization, p. 229, by J. John Eric S. Thompson)

Itzamná was "The greatest god of the Yucatec Maya...before the introcuction of idolatry, [the Maya] worshiped a single god named Hunab, Itzamná, Itzam Na. Hunab, 'Uniqe,' was a name applied to the creator...we deduce that in one of his aspects Itam Na was the creator".  (Maya History and Religion, by John Eric S. Thompson p. 209-210)
Itzamná was the god of creation for the Maya civilization, who invented writing and telling the future. He was considered the creator of the world and all the other deities, and by the postclassic period in the Yucatan, he was considered the god of medicine as well.
This glossary entry is a part of the About.com guide to Maya Civilization, and the Dictionary of Archaeology.
Grube, Nikolai (Ed.), 2001, Maya. Divine Kings of the Rain Forest, Konemann, Cologne, Germany
Miller, Mary and Karl Taube, 1993, An Illustrated Dictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya, Thames and Hudson.